Monday, June 27, 2011

Mothercare Sale!!

Mothercare is on sale Mommies!!!....from 17th June til 17th July....weehoo...
Go grab some baju raya for your kids sebelum semua saiz kehabisan & menyesal x sudah...huhu....

Hasil tangkapan baju raya Anas....n its not even rm200...berbaloi sgt kan....7 helai tuh....
Nasib baik Mommy mendengar nasihat Daddy....kalu tak lg meriah hasil tangkapan tapi nnt poket plaks kobocoran...huhu

Go check out d sales mommies at
Sape planning beli stroller timing cantik la ni coz Maclaren is on 20% off!!!!best, best!!

Ikan Bakar anyone??

The other nite telah pegi melawat the highly recommended Sekinchan Ikan Bakar @ Kota Damansara. Restoran ni jadi femes sbb masuk JJCM kot....Ramai giler customer at peak hours. We came during dinner time, so terpaksa pusing2 jap cari seats. Buts it was worth it...sebab ikan bakar die mmg terbaik though a bit expensive (to me, at least!)

Mommy & Anas menunggu order...kami soooo fotostat kan?heee....

Daddy yg kelaparan sambil men'study' menu....huuhuu

Ikan pari bakar terbaeeekkk............sambal yg yummy!!

Sotong bakar yg marveles.....Mommy makan rasa nak lagi dan lagi dan lagi.....;p

Sayur bakar pun ada.....semua  bakar la....mcm Ucop Wilcha je kan....kite bakor!kite bakor!!!hihihii......

A complete set of Ulam with 3 types of sambal.....RM3

Anas became a vegetarian sempat asyik meratah sayur jer..........baguih,baguih!

Overall, mmg yummylicious.....coz d sambal was superb! Sup ayam pun sedap cume size hidangan yg conet, sirap bandung pun sedap....pi la try.....but make sure ur pocket is full...:)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Anas @ 17mths old

My 'lil boy is now 17mths old........another mth to go before he reaches one a half yr old n get ready for MMR....heeee:)

Being an active toddler, he hardly stay still even for a second. The only time he will stay put is when he's fast asleep. Anas dah pandai mcm2 dh skang......n im enjoying every moment of his development. Tak sangka anak bujang mommy ni dah besar....heee:)

The only thing im concern abt is his milk intake since he's only 9kg. Kalau at nursery, he's drinking Friso n bbsitter said he drinks well. Tapi, kalau kat umah...hmm....hareemmmm nk minum susu botol.........he still prefers au naturel way........Mommy's milk! But since my production dh x brp meriah....n i dont pump at work not very sure how much he drinks fr as the solution...i bagi die....

Dutch Lady milk for least i know he's drinking 4oz of milk each time he finishes one. Kalau susu ni mmg laju jer die minum...sedap agaknyer...

In my effort to ensure he's drinking more milk.....i try giving him milk using...

MAM sipper....Anas nyer kaler biru :)
But most of the time he only enjoys gigit teats botol tu instead of minum susu

So, the conclusion is.....Anas only minum susu Mommy and Dutch Lady when he's on the go.....takpela Anas....asalkan Anas sihat, Mommy happy.....:) plus Mommy save a lot on milk bottles n formula.....n Mommy tak payah hangkut diaper bag,sterilizer bagai bila kita travel.....i just give u my boing-boing n ur good to go! Sayang anak Mommy ni......heee:)  

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Latest Craze!!

I found myself cant help doing online shopping like literally EVERYDAY....well, almost!!Sgt2 dangerous hokeyy.....this attitude must be diminished immediately...huuuuh.tough job.....terlalu byk godaan online.dont u think??esp pd kaum2 mommy yg sgt jarang gi shopping mall bcoz malas nk renyah2 bw anak, bw mcm2 barang bagai penuh boot kereta padahal nk pi OU 2-3jam je kot...yg dihangkutnya kalah bw bas...mana nk hangkut stroller,diaper bag yg gedebob dgn mcm2 brg2...huuh...dgn itu my hubby officially mengurangkan aktiviti pergi melawat shopping mall dan kugantikan dgn aktiviti online shopping.......ngeee...fair n square, no??

My latest craze....not in particular order...:


That's Yuna wearing her genious creation of leopard jet circle scarf. TQ Yuna for creating this creating this OH-SO-OHSEMMMMM shawl dat required no pins n brooches....well, depends on how u wear it...but in case you misplace ur pins n brooches u can still survive without them.......sebab tu i ckp ohsemmmmm!!!best kan!!another ohsemmmm factor tak perlu iron....dats d best best part utk mommy yg sgt menghargai masa spt need iron tudung = more time to play with Anas d masham boy...:)
so far dh rembat 4 helai...n more to come coz tak tahan dgn design yg ohsemmmm2 nih...seb baik her shop nearby my hse....sumtimes kalu rajin pi trus kedai no need online jimat postage :) i loike!!semalam pi jumpa yuna n qi....such cute couple.........sweeettt!


Retro bj kurung moden.......niceee!!

Accidently dropby this shop coz sesat cr kedai Yuna........haha...nway,its blessing in disguise.....coz this shop is awesome,awesome,awesome!!plus d designer is super sweet...check out the modern baju kurung line....kami ofis mate telah berjemaah beramai2 order baju kurung riben yg sgt gojasss nih......sure raya nnt perasan cun!!haha....
skang dh addict tiap2 hari buka web online tgk line bj kurung nih....hissy....sgt2 cute...

Slinky Pleat Maxi - Mustard

Ni pun salah satu site yg wajib dibuka setiap hari.aduhh....sgt bahaya...esp if dibuka tgh2 bulan...haippp....

Actually byk lg site2 yg im crazee abt....tapi takmo list la satu2 sbb malas.....n nnt akan turut men'terjebakkan' pembaca2 ke kancah aktiviti yg merbahaya enough for now.....:)